
Jan Lehman Delivers Keynote Address at Legacy Network’s Quarterly Meeting

Lehman Associates founder Jan Lehman was the keynote speaker at Legacy Network’s quarterly meeting at the Dallas Country Club in February 2024. Legacy Network was founded in 2021 to bring together professional women in family offices, with the mission to “lift each other up through mentorship and thought-leadership.” The group now has more than 100 members who are family office executives or principals from throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Jan Lehman spoke about best practices in family office organizational structure, then participated in a lively Q&A session with the attendees.

Legacy Network has hosted presentations on a variety of family office-related topics, including:

  • Coaching and leadership
  • Trends in family office compensation
  • How international conflicts and foreign policy impact the family office
  • “Death Audits” – Analyzing weaknesses in a living principal’s entire estate plan to look for areas of improvement
  • Trends in distressed capital markets
  • Women’s health and stress management
  • Premarital agreements and divorce

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